Adéla Pártlová


Adéla Pártlová stammt aus Tschechien und ist ausgebildete Hebamme. Sie absolvierte die Krankenpflegeschule in Prag und erlangte im Jahr 2006 ihr Berufsdiplom. Seitdem ist sie in der Geburtshilfe tätig; erst in Prag und danach sechs Jahre lang in Riyadh in Saudi Arabien. In ihrer Freizeit praktiziert Adéla gerne Yoga.

Adéla Pártlová is a czech midwife. Since finishing her education in Prague in 2006 she is working as midwife, firstly in Prague, later on in Saudi Arabia and in South Sudan. Her hobbies are reading, yoga and long walks. 

Have you ever been abroad for a significant length of time or on a humanitarian mission before?

I have been with MSF Holland in Bentiu PoC, South Sudan for 8 months in 2016/2017.

Why did you decide to go on mission with MSF?

I have seen inspiring videos and blogs from Doctors Without Borders in czech media.

What do you value most about MSF?

Medical ethics and the principles of neutrality and impartiality.

What are you looking forward to most on your (next) mission?

I am looking forward to work with the team in maternity which welcomes more than 60 new babies every day.

Is there anything that you take along to every mission?

Sunscreen and chocolate.

What are you passionate about and how do you like to spend your free time?

I practice meditations and I like reading books and doing long walks – if it is possible.

What is your most unforgettable experience in the field? 

There were many. But I will never forget a young lady, who recovered after difficult caesarean section due to eclampsia and when she was going home with her mom and her newborn, baby girl.

Missions by Adéla Pártlová

  • Griechenland, November 2021 - Feburar 2022