Mihai Negrea

Medical Doctor
Mihai Negrea

Mihai Negrea is Romanian and since 2012 medical doctor. His education includes: 2014 Healthcare Services Management Master, 2016 Msc Advanced medical and pharmaceutical research, 2018 started medical residency in epidemiology, 2021 MD with Epidemiology speciality, 2022 Travel Medicine Competency


Have you ever been abroad for a significant length of time or on a humanitarian mission before?

Why did you decide to go on mission with MSF?
I was always attracted to make good and work in the field. To be wherever is needed when is needed.

What do you value most about MSF?
The core values of neutrality and impartiality.

Is there anything that you take along to every mission?
I`ve never been in a mission but very rarely I leave home for more than few days without some fishing gear. You never know when the opportunity is there.

What are you passionate about and how do you like to spend your free time?
Fishing, reading, movies. In this order

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