Beira: Straßentheater gegen Cholera

In Mosambik informieren unsere Teams die Bevölkerung, wie sie sich vor Cholera schützen kann - mit Hilfe von Megaphonen und Schauspielkunst.
HP activities in Beira - Fighting Cholera with street theatre.
Pablo Garrigos/MSF
Following the destruction of Cyclone Idai which tore through Beira in the early hours of the 15th of March, a cholera outbreak was declared on the 27th of March. Since then, MSF has set up three cholera treatment centres (CTCs) as well as smaller cholera treatment unit (CTU). Whilst the proper care for patients is lifesaving in a cholera epidemic, the full response to the outbreak also requires health promotion in the community to inform families how they can protect themselves as well as water and sanitation activities to provide clean clean to everyone. A street theatre group is working with MSF in his campaign of health promotion to help end the cholera outbreak in Beira. They act out a sketch where a child is suffering from cholera and the friends of his mother explain what she has to do to look after him. They act out the sketch in key spots all over Beira City, usually in busy areas like next to health centers and local markets in order to reach as much population as possible. Their loud and funny and provide not only education but some entertainment at the same time.

In Beira informieren unsere Teams die Bevölkerung, wie sie sich vor Cholera schützen kann - mit Hilfe von Megaphonen und Schauspielkunst. Mit unseren Aktivitäten zur Gesundheitsaufklärung wollen wir dazu beitragen, die Epidemie einzudämmen und eine weitere Ausbreitung zu verhindern. Nach dem Zyklon Idai leisten wir in Mosambik lebensrettende Hilfe.

Unsere Gesundheitsberater und -Beraterinnen sind in belebten Gegenden rund um Gesundheitszentren und lokale Märkte unterwegs, um möglichst viele Menschen zu erreichen. Denn neben unserer medizinischen Hilfe, ist auch die Kommunikation mit den Einheimischen besonders wichtig, um Bewusstsein für den Umgang mit der Infektionskrankheit zu schaffen. Mit der Aufführung einer Szene illustrieren sie, was zu tun ist, wenn jemand an Cholera erkrankt. Außerdem klären sie über die Krankheitsprävention auf: Welche Hygienemaßnahmen können die Einheimischen ergreifen? Wie gelangen sie zu sauberem Trinkwasser und wie sollte die Abwasserentsorgung ablaufen? Durch die humorvolle Vermittlung dieser wichtigen Botschaften sorgen sie nicht nur für einen Lerneffekt, sondern auch für Unterhaltung.

Erfahren Sie mehr zu unsere Cholera-Hilfe in Beira.

Slideshow: Impressionen von unserem Straßentheater

HP activities in Beira - Fighting Cholera with street theatre.
Pablo Garrigos/MSF
Following the destruction of Cyclone Idai which tore through Beira in the early hours of the 15th of March, a cholera outbreak was declared on the 27th of March. Since then, MSF has set up three cholera treatment centres (CTCs) as well as smaller cholera treatment unit (CTU). Whilst the proper care for patients is lifesaving in a cholera epidemic, the full response to the outbreak also requires health promotion in the community to inform families how they can protect themselves as well as water and sanitation activities to provide clean clean to everyone. A street theatre group is working with MSF in his campaign of health promotion to help end the cholera outbreak in Beira. They act out a sketch where a child is suffering from cholera and the friends of his mother explain what she has to do to look after him. They act out the sketch in key spots all over Beira City, usually in busy areas like next to health centers and local markets in order to reach as much population as possible. Their loud and funny and provide not only education but some entertainment at the same time.
HP activities in Beira - Fighting Cholera with street theatre.
Pablo Garrigos/MSF
Following the destruction of Cyclone Idai which tore through Beira in the early hours of the 15th of March, a cholera outbreak was declared on the 27th of March. Since then, MSF has set up three cholera treatment centres (CTCs) as well as smaller cholera treatment unit (CTU). Whilst the proper care for patients is lifesaving in a cholera epidemic, the full response to the outbreak also requires health promotion in the community to inform families how they can protect themselves as well as water and sanitation activities to provide clean clean to everyone. A street theatre group is working with MSF in his campaign of health promotion to help end the cholera outbreak in Beira. They act out a sketch where a child is suffering from cholera and the friends of his mother explain what she has to do to look after him. They act out the sketch in key spots all over Beira City, usually in busy areas like next to health centers and local markets in order to reach as much population as possible. Their loud and funny and provide not only education but some entertainment at the same time.
HP activities in Beira - Fighting Cholera with street theatre.
Pablo Garrigos/MSF
Following the destruction of Cyclone Idai which tore through Beira in the early hours of the 15th of March, a cholera outbreak was declared on the 27th of March. Since then, MSF has set up three cholera treatment centres (CTCs) as well as smaller cholera treatment unit (CTU). Whilst the proper care for patients is lifesaving in a cholera epidemic, the full response to the outbreak also requires health promotion in the community to inform families how they can protect themselves as well as water and sanitation activities to provide clean clean to everyone. A street theatre group is working with MSF in his campaign of health promotion to help end the cholera outbreak in Beira. They act out a sketch where a child is suffering from cholera and the friends of his mother explain what she has to do to look after him. They act out the sketch in key spots all over Beira City, usually in busy areas like next to health centers and local markets in order to reach as much population as possible. Their loud and funny and provide not only education but some entertainment at the same time.
HP activities in Beira - Fighting Cholera with street theatre.
Pablo Garrigos/MSF
Following the destruction of Cyclone Idai which tore through Beira in the early hours of the 15th of March, a cholera outbreak was declared on the 27th of March. Since then, MSF has set up three cholera treatment centres (CTCs) as well as smaller cholera treatment unit (CTU). Whilst the proper care for patients is lifesaving in a cholera epidemic, the full response to the outbreak also requires health promotion in the community to inform families how they can protect themselves as well as water and sanitation activities to provide clean clean to everyone. A street theatre group is working with MSF in his campaign of health promotion to help end the cholera outbreak in Beira. They act out a sketch where a child is suffering from cholera and the friends of his mother explain what she has to do to look after him. They act out the sketch in key spots all over Beira City, usually in busy areas like next to health centers and local markets in order to reach as much population as possible. Their loud and funny and provide not only education but some entertainment at the same time.
HP activities in Beira - Fighting Cholera with street theatre.
Pablo Garrigos/MSF
Following the destruction of Cyclone Idai which tore through Beira in the early hours of the 15th of March, a cholera outbreak was declared on the 27th of March. Since then, MSF has set up three cholera treatment centres (CTCs) as well as smaller cholera treatment unit (CTU). Whilst the proper care for patients is lifesaving in a cholera epidemic, the full response to the outbreak also requires health promotion in the community to inform families how they can protect themselves as well as water and sanitation activities to provide clean clean to everyone. A street theatre group is working with MSF in his campaign of health promotion to help end the cholera outbreak in Beira. They act out a sketch where a child is suffering from cholera and the friends of his mother explain what she has to do to look after him. They act out the sketch in key spots all over Beira City, usually in busy areas like next to health centers and local markets in order to reach as much population as possible. Their loud and funny and provide not only education but some entertainment at the same time.